School Year 2024-25
Here is the presentation given at our virtual open house on August 27th, 2024
First pack meeting Tuesday September 3rd 2024, 7 to 8PM at Scouting Van Woesikgroup, Wassenaar
Please see the 'Activities Pack 140' page for our latest calendar
CONTACT: cubscouts.pack140@gmail.com

About Pack 140
The adventure starts with Cub Scouting, a year-round family program designed for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, or 5 to 10 years of age. The program emphasizes shared leadership, learning about the community, family understanding, character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
Young boys and girls grow up fast. Give your child a valuable gift by encouraging them to join Cub Scouting today. The time you invest in them today will make a difference in the person they become tomorrow.
Cub Scout Pack 140 is a part of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The BSA is organized into geographic regions, with the Transatlantic Council administering the Boy Scout program to Europe. Adhering to the standards set by the BSA, we operate as a not-for-profit organization relying totally on adult volunteers. Pack 140 began its charter at The American School of The Hague in 1953 and has been in continuous existence ever since.
Pack 140 Meetings
Typically the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month (September-mid June) from 7-8pm at Scouting Van Woesikgroup in Wassenaar, or in the atrium of the American School of The Hague.
Sample Meeting
6:45pm – Set up
Quartermaster and cub scout volunteers set up the meeting
7:00pm – Opening Ceremony
Cub Scouts called to order by the Scoutmaster.
Children gather and recite Scout Oath
Uniform inspections
7:15pm – Break into Dens based on grade levels
Work toward meeting some rank requirements through activities and learning exercises
7:50pm – Closing ceremony
Cub Scouts called to order by Scout Master
Children gather and recite the Cub Scout Motto
Parent update: Important dates and upcoming events
Scouts are required to attend at least one meeting per month.
Parents stay at meetings to assist and serve as volunteers (Lions and Tigers must be accompanied by a parent).
Scouts are required to wear the Cub Scout Uniform and bring the Cub Scout Handbook to all meetings. Information on how to obtain a uniform and specific uniform requirements will be distributed when scouts complete application materials or may be obtained by emailing cubscouts.pack140@gmail.com. Handbooks are provided to Scouts as are certain badges and achievement belt loops and pins.