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Joining Pack 140


Pack 140 is an official Cub Scout Unit of the Boy Scouts of America that is chartered at The American School of The Hague (ASH) in The Netherlands. Most of the Scouts attend ASH and/or live in close proximity to The Hague, but we welcome prospective scouts from anywhere in the Netherlands regardless of the school which they attend and nationality so long as they have a reasonable understanding of the English language.


Any boy or girl (or parent) interested in joining Cub Scout Pack 140 should attend an Open House session or contact us via the contact page so that we may explain the membership process, programs, and activities in more detail.  Alternatively, you may attend one meeting as a trial.  Meeting dates and times are detailed on the "Activities" page of this website.  


Application Requirements

The following should be fulfilled by the parent of a potential Cub Scout in order to join:

1. Register 

a) New to Scouting? Please register with BSA online via the QR code below or following link:


The one-time online enrolment fee is of approximately $150 payable to BSAFor more information on the BSA fees see here: .

b) Transferring Scout membership from another pack?

Please log into my.scouting,  find our unit (3)140 and transfer online.

c) Returning to Pack 140?  You can skip registration. 

2. Pay the dues


Please pay required annual dues by bank transfer to our treasurer at the following account:

Account Number (IBAN): NL87 KNAB 0775 2435 82

Account Name: I.W.Y. Sung

** Please state the membership fee school year, the name of the Scout and the den or grade level when making the transfer.

a) New Scouts

The membership fee is 30 euro as you have already paid $150 when registering with BSA. The membership fee covers the cost for regular meetings and many activities (additional fees for some activities, including camping trips, may be required), the costs of all rank and merit badges and achievement belt loops/pins earned by the Scout during the year.

b) Transferring and returning Scouts

The membership fee is 180 euro for transferring Scouts and returning Scouts. Of the 180 euro we pay about 130 euro to BSA and keep 50 euro to cover our activities. The 50 euro cover the cost for regular meetings and many activities (additional fees for some activities, including camping trips, may be required), the costs of all rank and merit badges and achievement belt loops/pins earned by the Scout during the year.

3. Complete the forms

The Annual Health and Medical Record Form needs to be completed, signed and submitted via email to or hand in at our pack meeting. Note  for all events where we will be camping overnight, all participating family members need to fill in this form. 

4. You're in!

Upon receipt of the membership application, form and the membership fee, Scouts will be issued a Cub Scout handbook corresponding to their grade/age. We will also arrange access for the parent to a Scoutbook account which will be used to track the Scout's progress.  Information on uniform requirements and how to order will also be provided upon receipt of application forms and dues payment. 





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